Thursday, August 16, 2007


Thursday, August 16, 2007
Donne, J. The Prayers of John
Donne BV245.D65

Lockyer, H. All the Prayers of the
Bible BV228.L6

McMullen, M. Hearts Aflame:
Prayers of Susanna, John, and
Charles Wesley BV245.W447
Oxford Book of Prayer.
BV245.O94 1988

Prayer in history
Miller, B. Prayer Meetings that
Made History BV295.M5
The Revival of 1857-58
BR525.L56 1998

Bounds, E. M. Power Through
Prayer. BV210.B586 1991

Bounds, E. M. The Reality of
Prayer BV210.B63

Chambers, O. If Ye Shall Ask

Chambers, O. If Ye Shall Ask

Foster, R. Prayer. Finding the
Heart’s True Home
BV210.2.F68 1992

Gossip. A. In the Secret Place of
the Most HighBV210.G69

Lewis., C. S. Letters to Malcolm:
Chiefly on Prayer BV210.2.l44
Murray, A. With Christ in the
School of Prayer. BV210.M85

Rinker, R. Praying together

Shoemaker. Prayer and You

ShoemakerW, Power Through
Prayer Groups BV287.S47

Torrey, R. A. The Power of Prayer

Wangerin, W. Whole Prayer.
BV215.W36 1998

White, J. Daring to Draw Near

Prayer in the Schools

Fenwick, L. Should the Children
Pray? LC111.F44 1989

Menendez, A. School Prayer and
other religious issues in
American public Education: a
Bibliography Ref. Z 5815.U5

Muir, W. Prayer in the Public
Schools KF 4162.M8

Murray, W. Let Us Pray: a plea for
prayer in our schools
KF4162.M87 1995

Smith, R. Public Prayer and the
Constitution KF4162.S63 1987

Prayer Biographies

Adams, H. Ed. “ I Cried, He
Answered: A Faithful
Record of Remarkable
Answers to Prayer.

McGaw, Francis. Praying Hyde
BV3269.H8 M3

Miller, Basil. George Muller
HV247.M8 M5

Prayers in Poetry

Herbert, G. The Selected Poetry
of George Herbert

Prayers — Children’s Literature

Field, R. Prayer for a Child.

Titherington, Jeanne. A
Child’s Prayer. BV265.T54

Prayers in Fiction
Girzone, J. Joshua and the Children.
PS3557.I77 J64 1989

Add your favorite books about prayer.


Many women named Mary have influenced history for good or ill. Here’s a mix of fiction and nonfiction about Marys.

Bauer, F. Daughter of Nazareth
PZ3.B3255 Dau
Brock, A. Mary Magdalene: The First
Apostle BS2485.B73 2003
Johnson, E. Dangerous Memories: A
Mosaic of Mary in Scripture
BT613.J65 2004
Pelikan, J. Mary Through the Centuries
BT610.P45 1996


Clarke, E. Mary E. Chynoweth:
Missionary to India BV3277.C48 C5
Missionary Martyrs [Mary Louisa Ranf
and Mary E. Carpenter] BV3700.M5
Muller, G. Mary Slessor BV3625.N6 S64

Founder of a church

Gill, G. Mary Baker Eddy BX6995.G59


Donaldson, G. Mary Queen of Scots
DA787.A1 D59
Edwards, F. The Dangerous Queen [Mary
Queen of Scots] DA787.A1 E3
Loades, D. Mary Tudor DA347.L579
Meyer, C. Mary, Blood Mary PZ7.M568
Mar 1999
Ridley, J. Bloody Mary’s Martyrs
DA347.R47 2001
Hamilton, E. William’s Mary DA462.A3
H35 [Mary II of England]
Zweig, S. Mary Queen of Scotland and
the Isles DA787.A1 Z92

Brown, N. Cyclone in Calico E621.B53
[Mary Ann Bickerdyke]
Randall, R. Mary Lincoln E457.25.R3

Hunter, E. The Story of Mary Liu
BV3427.L58 H8 1957


Brown, D. Uncommon Traveler: Mary
Kingsley in Africa DT476.23.K56876


Mary Frank: Encounters N6537.F735 A4
Mary Cassatt: Modern Woman:
N6537.C35 A4 1998

Characters in Fiction

Lea, F. The Four Marys PS3523.E113 F68

Macdonald, G. A Daughter’s Devotion
PR4967.M37 1988

Martin, V. Mary Reilly PS3563.A7296
M37 2001

Travers, P. Mary Poppins PZ7.T589 Mar9


Holt, H. Mary McLeod Bethune
E185.97.B34 H6

Marshall, H. Mary Adelaide Nutting
RT37.N87 M37
Wells, R. Mary on Horseback
RT37.B72 W44 1998


Wilson, D. Take my Hands [Mary
Verghese] R608.V4 W5

Bodenheimer, R. The Real Life of
Mary Ann Evans PR4681.B57
Halsband,R. The Life of Mary Wortley
Montagu DA501.M7 H3
Tomalin, C. The Life and Death of
Mary Wollstonecraft PR5841.W8

Sports and Athletes

Non Fiction

Aaron, Hank. If I Had a
Hammer. GB965.A25 A3 1991

Adler, David. America’s
Champion Swimmer: Gertrude
Ederle GV838.E34 A35 2000

Ashe, Arthur R. A Hard Road to
Glory: A History of the Africa-
American Athlete 1619-1918
GV583 >A75 1988

Baker, William. Jesse Owens: An
American Life BF697.O9 B35

Blount, Mel. The Cross Burns
Brightly HV9106.V532 M453

Byrd, Dennis. Rise & Walk
GV939.B97 A3 1993

Hauser, Thomas. Muhammad Ali
GV1132.A44 H38 1991

Hershiser, Oral Out of the Blue
GV865.H46 A3 1989

Hill, Terry. Batting a Thousand:
Profiles of Baseball Champions
GV865.A1 H49 1987

Jackson, Phil. More than a Game
GV884.J32 A34 2001

Mead, Chris. Champion: Joe
Louis GV1132.L6 M4 1986

Staubach, Roger. Staubach:
Firstdown Lifetime to Go.
GV 939.S733 S37

Williams, Bernard J. The Frank
Leahy Legend GV939.L4


Bing, Christopher. Casey at the
Bat PS3014.T3 C3 2000

Coy, John. Strong to the Hoop
PZ7.C839455 St 1999

Crutcher, Chris. Athletic Shorts
PZ7.C89 At 1998

Crutcher, Chris. The Crazy Horse
Electric Game PZ7.C89 Cr1987

Crutcher, Chris. Ironman
PZ7.C89 Ir 1995

Crutcher, Chris. Running Loose
PZ7.C89 Ru 1983

Crutcher, Chris. Whale Talk
PZ7C89 Wh 2001

Deuker, Carl On the Devil’s Court
PZ7.D493 On 1991

Gutman, Dan. Honus & Me
PZ7.G9846 Ho 1997

Jenkins, A. M. Damage
PZ7 .J4125 Dam 2001

Jenkins, Jerry B. The Youngest Hero
PZ3560.E485 Y68 2002

Jenkins, Jerry B. Hometown Legend PS3560.E486 H66 2001

Johnson, Scott. Safe at
Second PZ7.J6367 Saf

Lynch, Chris. Iceman
PZ7.L979739 Ic 1995

Myers, Walter Dean.
Hoops PZ7.M992 Ho

Myers, Walter Dean. Slam!
PZ7.M992 Sl 1992

Rappaport, Doreen. Dirt
on Their Skirts
PZ7.R18135 Di 2000

Tunis, John R. Yea! Wild
Cats PZ7.T8236 Ye

We Remember: September 11, 2001

We Remember

One nation: America Remembers
September 11, 2001 HV6432.O43 2001

September 11, 2001: A collection of newspaper front pages selected by the Poynter Institute. HV6432.S459 2001

We take action

The 9/11 Commission Report
HV6432.7.N39 2004b

Griffin, Michael. Reaping the whirl
wind: The Taliban Movement in
Afghanistan. DS371l.2.G74 2000

Rashid, Ahmed. Taliban. DS371.2. R367 2001

We ask why?

Alexander, Yohan. Usama bin Laden’s
al-Aqida: a profile of a terrorist
network. HV6431.A43 2001

The Attack on America: September 11,
2001 HV6432.T474 2002

Bergen, Peter. Holy War, Inc.: inside
the secret world of Osama bin Ladin.
HV6430.B55 B47 2001

Bernstein, R. Out of the Blue
HV6432.B47 2002

Bodansky. Yossef. Bin Laden: the man
who declared war on America
HV6430.B55 B65 1999.

Calhoun, C. Understanding September
11 HV6432.U5 2002

Halliday, F. Two Hours that shook the
World HV6432.H35 2002

Hersbherg, E. Critical Views of
September 11 HV6432.C75 2002

Hoge, J. How Did This Happen?
HV6432.H69 2001


Lake, Anthony. 6 nightmares. HV6432. L34 2001

Lincoln, B. Holy terrors: Thinking
about religion after September 11
BL65.T47 L56 2003

Martin, John M. & Romano, Anne T. Multinational Crime: Terrorism, espionage, drug & arms trafficking
HV6252.M37 1992

Miller, J. The Cell
HV6432.M54 2002

Pyszczynski, T. In the Wake of 9/11
HV6432.P97 2003

Randal, J. Osama
HV430.B55 R36 2004

Schweitzer. Glenn E. Superterrorism
HV6431.S375 1998

Simon, Jeffrey D. The terrorist trap. 2nd ed. HV6432 .S55 2001

Stern, Jessica. The Ultimate
terrorists. HV6431.S74 1999
Talbott, S. The Age of Terror HV6432.A43 2001

We struggle to heal

Barbash, T. On Top of the World
HG4928.5.L885 2003

Langford, J. Walking with God in a
Fragile World BL66.T47 W35 2003

Norbert, T. Ashes Transformed:
Healing from Trauma
BV227.N665 2002

We Tell the Children

Kalman, M. Fireboat: The heroic Adventurs of John J. Harvey TH9391.K35 2002

Goodman, R. The Day Our World Changed: Children’s Art of 9/11 HV6432.7.G66 2002
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