Thursday, July 29, 2010

I finished another book

Thursday, July 29, 2010
Everyone in the book challenge is aware that this is the final week.  I have managed to read 3 books that fit the challenge criteria, although they weren't the only ones I read.  My final book is a First Year summer read Have a Little Faith by Mitch Albom.  It would be a quick read if it weren't dealing with some very tough issues.  But the author handles them with sensitivity and compassion.  The book purports to be about two men, but it's really about three.  Even though it's short, Have a Little Faith, abounds with those themes which we have all wrestled with at one time or another and which keep popping back in our lives in different shapes and sizes even when we think we're through with them.  The themes include, acceptance, forgiveness, faith, death, dying, poverty, God.  In otherwords, this book will not be dated in 10 years, unlike other popular nonfiction. If you liked the author's earlier works, this book fits snugly into that pattern.   At our library, you can find this book at BM 729.F3 A496 2009.  Read it fast or slow, but read it.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Another book to the challenge

Friday, July 23, 2010
Stairway to Empire: Lockport, the Erie Canal and the Shaping of America

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Books in the reading challenge

Thursday, July 22, 2010
We have one week to go in the B. Thomas Golisano Library Summer Reading Challenge.  What a mouthful!  Here are the books people have been reading in no particular order.  I hope to have people write their experiences with the reading challenge at the end as we didn't require any input from those participating

The Making of the President: Kennedy, Nixon and the 1960 Election
Vanishing Point
Finding the  Cure
After OZ
Echo Park
The Abolition of Man
The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night - 2 people
Hound of the Baskervilles
Confederacy of Dunces
To Kill a Mockingbird - 2 people
Rabbit Run
Rabbit Redux
Night - 2 people
The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet's Nest
Noah's Compass
Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club
Battle Cry of Freedom: The Civil War Era
The Castle
The Man Who Was Thursday
Have  a Little Faith
Breathing Lessons
Imperfect Birds
Jane Eyre
The Little Prince
America: Back on Track
Animal Farm
The Help
Night and Day
The Secret
The Whole Truth
Highest Duty
Travels with My Aunt
Turn of the Screw and Daisy Miller
Tragedy of Puddn'head Wilson
Essays of E.B. White
The Aloha Quilt
Stained Glass
The Essential Niebuhr
Picking Cotton
The Shack - 2 people
Life of Pi
A Clockwork Orange
Interpreter of Maladies
Sacred Stacks
Miz Lil and the Chronicles of Grace
The Echo Maker
The Secret Life of Josephine
Rochester History
Much Ado about Nothing

I am Impressed!.  The links will be added later.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Golisano and 100 best nonfiction books of the century

Wednesday, April 14, 2010
These are the books the library holds from the 100 best nonfiction books of the century.  The call number is at the end of the title. Because this is a group of suggested books for a contest, I am withholding the link to keep to the rules.  The links will be posted at the end of the contest.

Adams, Henry.       Mont-Saint-Michel and Chartres DC20.A2 1936
Arendt, Hannah.      The Origins of Totalitarianism JC481.A6 1966
Banfield, Edward.  The Unheavenly City HT123.B26 1970
Behe, Michael J.     Darwin's Black Box QH325.B365 1996
Berlin, Isaiah.        The Hedgehog and the Fox  PB3415.H5 B4 1970
Blake, Robert.        Disraeli  DA564.B3 B6 1967
Bloom, Allan.        The Closing of the American Mind E169.1.B653 1987
Buckley Jr., William F.  God and Man at Yale LD6309.B8
Burnham, James.    The Machiavellians  JA83.B8
Camus Albert           The Myth of Sisyphus and other Essays PQ2605.A3134 M93
Carson, Rachel.        Silent Spring SB959.C3
Chambers, Whittaker. Witness E743.C47
Chesterton, G.K.       The Everlasting Man BL48.C5 1955
Chesterton, G. K.       Orthodoxy BR121.C5
Churchill, Winston     The Second World War - 6 volumes.  D743.C484
Clark, Kenneth         Civilisation  CB68.C55 1970
Cohn, Norman.         The Pursuit of the Millennium  BR270.C6 1970b
Collingwood, R. G.  The Idea of History D13.C6
Edel, Leon.            Henry James PS2123.E35
Eliot, T. S.             Selected Essays PN511.E443
Einstein, Albert.     Relativity QC6.E5 1931a
Feynman, Richard     Lectures on Physics QC23.F47
Foot, Shelby        The Civil War E468.F7
Frank, Anne.        The Diary of a Young Girl DS135.N6F73313 1995
Friedman, Milton  Capitalism and Freedom HB501.F7
Freud, Sigmund.  The Interpretation of Dreams BF1078.F72 1999
Freud, Sigmund.    Three Case Histories BF173.F675
Genovese, Eugene D.     Roll, Jordan Roll E443.G46
Gilder, George        Wealth and Poverty HB501.G46
Heidder, Martin.       Being and Time B3279.H48 S43 1962
Hofstadter, Richard.  The Age of Reform E743.H63
Huizinga, Johann.        The Waning of the Middle Ages DC33.2.H83 1954
Jacobs, Jane.          The Death and Life of Great American Cities NA9108.J3
Jacobs, Jane.          The Economy of Cities HT321.J32
Jarrell, Randall.       Poetry and the age PN1271.J31 1972
Johnson, Paul          Modern Times D421.J64 1985
Keynes, John Maynard.  The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money HB171.K45
Kirk, Russell     The Conservative Mind B809.K57
Kuhn, Thomas S.  The Structure of Scientific Revolutions Q175.K95 1970
Lewis, C. S.        The Abolition of Man LB41.L665 1947
Lewis, C.S.        Mere Christianity BR123.L484 2001
Lippmann, Walter     The Good Society JC251.L5 1943
McPherson, James M.     Battle Cry of Freedom E470.M25
Manchester, William      The Last Lion 2 vols DA566.9.C5 M26 1983
Merton, Thomas          The Seven Story Mountain BX4705.M542 Ae
Myrdal, Gunnar.       An American Dilemma 2 vol. E185.615.A6718 1996
Nabokov, Vladimir     Speak, Memory PG3476.N3 Z476 1999
Ortega y Gasset, Jose  Revolt of the Masses CB103.O72 1957
Orwell, George         Collected Essays PR6029.R8 A61968
Orwell, George         Homage to Catalonia DP269.9.Oy 1980
Pannenberg, Wolfhart.    Systematic Theology 3 vol. BT75.2.P2613 1991
Parrington, Vernon Louis.    Main Currents in Amereican Thought PS88.P32
Pelikan, Jaroslav.        The Christian Tradition BT21.2.P42
Pipes, Richard           The Russian Revolution DK265.P474 1990
Popper, Karl.           The Open Society and its enemies B63 P61963
Rougement, Denis de    Love in the Western World HQ21.R86 1956
Schumpeter, Joseph A.  Capitalism, Socialism, and Democrach  HX86.S33 1950
Solzhenitsyn, Alexandr. The Gulag Archipelago HV9713.S6413
Sowell, Thomas.          Ethnic America E184.A1 S688
Starr, Kennety W.        The Starr Report E885.S72 1998
Trilling, Lionel            The Liberal Imagination PS3539.R56 L5 1953
Von Hayek, F. A.        The Constitution of Liberty JC585.H29
Von Hayek, F. A.        The Road to Serfdom HD82.H38 1944a
Watson, James D.      The Double Helix QD341.A2 W315
Weaver, Richard M.    Ideas have Consequences CB19.W4
West, Rebecca.          Black Lamb and Grey Falcon  DR366.W4
White, E. B.             Essays PS3545.H5187 A16 1977
Wilson, Edmund.       To the Finland Station HX36.W5 1953
Wilson, Edward O.      Sociobiology QL775.W54
Wittgenstein, Ludwig.    Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus BC135.W59
Zweig, Stefan.                Balzac PQ2179.Z9

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Watch for the Summer Reading Challenge

Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Take any of our lists found here and more which will be coming and plot a course to victory for you and other people who may be on your team.  Sorry--I'm getting ahead of myself.  We are excited by the possibilities for everyone this summer as we read, read, read.
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