Wednesday, November 4, 2009

To the Moon and Beyond: Celebrating the Moon Landing

Wednesday, November 4, 2009
The Cambridge Dictionary of Space Technology Ref. TL788.W54 2001

Chaiken, Andrew. A Man on the Moon. TL789.8.U6 A5244 1994
            Written for the 25th anniversary of the moon landing.

French, Francis & Colin Burgess. In the Shadow of the Moon TL789.8.U6 A5337 2007
          Explains the moon landing as part of the space race.

Harris,Robie H. Mail Harry to the Moon Curr. Center PZ7.H2436 Mai 2008
          A more humorous view of the moon’s use.

Heiken, Grant ( Ed.) Lunar Sourcebook QB581.L766 1991
             A collection of the American and Soviet missions to the moon up to 1991.

Lang, Kenneth R. The Cambridge Guide to the Solar System QB501.L24 2003

Platt, Richard. Moon Landing: Apollo 11 4oth anniversary pop-up Curr. Center TL789.8.U6 A5777 
           One of the many books celebrating the 40th anniversary. Compare it to Andrew Chaiken’s

Resau, Laura What the Moon Saw Curr. Center PZ7.R2978 Wha 2006
               This is actually about immigrants.

Schyffert, Bea Uusma. The Man Who Went to the Far Side of the Moon.
              Curr. Center TL789.85.C65 S3813 2003
            The Story of Michael Collins who stayed in the space capsule during the moon landing.

Thimmesh, Catherine. Team Moon: How 400,000 people landed Apollo 11 on the Moon
                Curr. Center 789.8.U6 A582546 2006

Time-Life To the Moon Oversize TL799.M6 T5 (1969)
          Mostly pictures of all aspects of the Lunar landing.

Verne, Jules. From the Earth to the Moon PQ2469.D3 1959
             The Jules Verne classic about space flight to the moon. Note who the astronauts are.

Willkens, H. P. The Moon : A Complete Description of the Surface of the Moon QB581.W56

Woods, W. David. How Apollo Flew to the Moon TL799.M6 W66 2008
           Discusses the technology involved in going to the moon. Compare to Jules Verne’s idea.

Yolen, Jane. Owl Moon Curr. Center PZ7.Y78 Ow 1987
          The impact of the moon and it’s influence on a young girl and her father as they go out on a snowy

September 11, 2009

September 11, 2001

September 11 books added to the Golisano Collection since 2006.

Beamer, L. Let’s Roll! HV6430.B43 A3 2002

Bouman, S.P. Grace all around us: Embracing God’s promise in tragedy and loss BT736.15.B68 2007

Farber, D. What they think of us: International perceptions of the United States since 9/11 E902.W475 2007

Forever After: New York City Teachers on 9/11 HV6432.7.F667 2006

Gentile, E. God’s Democracy. American religion after September 11
BL2525.G47 2008

Griffin, D. Christian faith and the truth behind 9/11: a Call to reflection
and action. HV6432.7.G746 2006

Hauerwas, S. and Lentricchia, F. (Eds.) Dissent from the homeland: Essays
after September 11 E903.D47 2003

Mayer, J. Dark Side: The Inside story of how the war on terror turned into a war
on American ideals HV6432.M383

Who they were: Inside the World Trade Center DNA story: The unprecedented effort
to identify the missing RA1057.55.S53 2005

Wright, L. The Looming tower: Al-Qaeda and the road to 9/11 HV6432.7.W75 2008

Foer, J. Extremely Loud and Incredibly close PS3608.E97 2005

Kalfus, K. A Disorder peculiar to the country:PS3561.A416524 D57 2006

Beyond Janette Oke

This is a challenge: read a different Christian author this year other than your favorite. If you take the challenge, you have all year to read the book If you wish create an account in LibraryThing and request to join the RWC Pageturners group where you can describe the book you read.
Here are a few examples to check

New Testament
Asch, Sholem—The Roman Trilogy
           The Nazarene—PJ 5129.A8 N29
           The Apostle—PJ 5129.A8 A66
          Mary—PJ5129.A8 M27

Mills, James R.—The Memoirs of Pontius Pilate PS3563.I42315 M46 2000

Mitchison, Naomi—Blood of the Martyrs PR6025.I86 B55

Wangerin, Walter —Paul PS3573.A477 P3 2000

12th Century
Lawhead, Stephen R.—The Celtic Crusades
           The Iron Lance PS3562.A865 I76 1998
           The Black Rood PS3562.A865 B58 2000
           The Mystic Rose PS3562.A865 M97 2001

Colonial America
Ammerman, Mark—Cross and Tomahawk
            The Ransom—PS3551.M56 R36 1997
             Longshot—PS3551.M56 L54 2000

18th Century
Higgs, Liz Curtis—Grace in Thine Eyes PS3558.I36235 G73 2006

Musser, Joe—The Infidel PS3563.U84 I5 2001

19th Century
Blackwell, Lawana—The Widow of Larkspur Inn PS3552.L3429 W53 1998
Williamson, Denise—The Dark Sun Rises PS3573.I45626 D37 1998

20th Century—Germany
Simon, Frank —Trial by Fire PS3569.I486 T75 1999

20th Century — United States
Belliveau, G.K.—Go Down to Silence PS3552.E533727 G6 2001


Martinusen, Cindy—The Salt Garden PS3563.A737 S25 2004

Samson, Lisa—Embrace Me PS3569.A46673 E47 2008

Tatlock, Ann.—A Place called Morning PS3570.A851 P58 1996

Williams, Susan Devore —Sunset Coast PS3573.I455614 S8 1995

Morality Tales
McCusker, Paul—The Faded Flower PS3563.C533 F34 2001

Benson, Angela.—Awakening Mercy PS3552.E5476585 2000

Foster, Sharon Ewell—Ain’t No River PS3556.O7724 A75 2001

Short Stories

Carlson, Melody—Storytellers’Collection: Tales of Faraway Places PS648.C43 S77 2000
Other authors
Alton Gansky
Robin Lee Hatcher
Catherine Palmer
Agnes Sligh Turnbull
Jamie Langston Turner
Robert Whitlow


John Mort’s book Christian Fiction: A guide to the genre Ref PN3448.C48 M67 2002 for other holdings.

Hispanic Heritage Month


Bacon, D. Communities without Borders: Images and Voices from the World of Migration.
HD8081.M6 B333 2006

Chong, N. & Baez, F. Latino Culture: A Dynamic Force in the Changing American
Workplace. HD8081.H7 C46 2005

Garcia, I. Dignidad: Ethics through Hispanic Eyes. BR563.H57 G37 1997

Gracie & Greiff. Hispanics/Latinos in the United States: Ethnicity, Race, and Rights.
E184.S75 H627 2000

Gutierrez, D. G. Ed. The Columbia History of Latinos in the United States since 1960.
E184.S75 C644 2004

Hellman, J.A. The World of Mexican Migrants: The Rock and The Hard Place.
E184.M5 H385 2008

Negron-Mutaner, F. Boricua Pop: Puerto Ricans and the Latinization of American Culture.
E184.P85 N44 2004

Rodriguez, R. Brown: The Last Discovery of America. E184.S75 R67 2002


Allende, I. Eva Luna. PQ8098.1.L54 E8 1995

Borges, J. L. Labyrinths: Selected Stories & Other Writings. PQ7797.B635 L3 1964

DeJesus, J.L. (ed.). Growing up Puerto Rican: 20 Puerto Rican Authors Write about Fiction
And essays About Childhood. PS508.P84 G76 1997

Garcia, C. Dreaming in Cuban. PS3513.A587 H43 1992

Garcia Lorca, F. Collected Poems: Revised Bilingual Edition PQ6613.A763 A225 2002

Hijuelos, O. The Mambo Kings Play Songs of Love. PS3558.I376 M36 1992
Kanellos, N. Hispanic Literature of the United States. Ref PS153.H56 K36 2003
If you are looking for background on Hispanic authors, come here.

Children & Young Adult

Cisneros, S. Family Pictures. E184.S75 L663 2005
Cruise, R. Little Mama Forgets. PZ7.C88828 Li 2006
Dorros, A. Papa and Me. PZ7.D7294 Pap 2008
Gonzalez, M.C. My Colors, My World.PZ73.G589 2007
Jiminez,F. Reaching Out. PZ7.J57525 Rea 2008
Perez, A.I. My Diary from Here to There. PZ73.P4654 2002
Tafolla, C. What Can You Do With a Rebozo? PZ8.3.T114915 Wh 2008

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Play Ball!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Some of our favorite baseball books:


Shatzkin. The BallPlayers: The One & Only Book that Tells Stories Beyond the Stats. Ref GV 8654.A1 B323 1990
Gillette & Palmer. The 2006 ESPN Baseball Encyclopedia. Ref GV862.3.A14 2006

Creamer. Babe: The Legend Comes to Life. GV865.R8 C73
Dravecky, Dave. When You can’t Come Back: A Story of Courage & Grace. BV865.D66 A4 1992
Hershiser, Orel. Out of the Blue. GV865.H46 A3 1989

Baseball in Literature

Bing. Casey at the Bat: A Ballad of the Republic Sung in the Year 1888. PS3014.T3 C3 2000
Hurley. Hemingway’s Debt to Baseball in The Old Man and the Sea. PS3515.E37 O5224 1992
Kinsella. The Further Adventures of Slugger McBatt. PR9199.3.K443 F87 1988
Michelson. Across the Alley. PZ7.M681914 Acr 2006

Baseball History and Issues

Halberstam. October 1964.GV878.4.H35 1995
Tygiel. Baseball’s Great Experiment. GV865.R6 T93 1983
Zimbalist. Baseball and Billions: A Probing Look inside the Big Business of our National Pastime. GV880.Z56 1992

Curran. Coaching Baseball Successfully. GV875.5.L67 2007
Ripken. Coaching Youth Baseball the Ripken Way. GV880.65.R56 2007

Friday, April 3, 2009

Mind over Money

Friday, April 3, 2009

Money seems to be on everyone's mind this time of year, especially so in an economic downturn.
The books listed below cover a variety of money-related topics.

Faith and Money

Mosser, David. Stewardship Services BS680.T56 M67 2007
Miller, Herb. Full Disclosure: Everything the Bible Says About Financial Giving BV772.MS5 2003
Hotchkiss, Dan. Ministry and Money: A Guide for Clergy and Their Friends BV4397.H57 2002

Children and Money

Adams, Barbara Johnston. The Go-Around Dollar HG 591.A63 1992
Schwartz, David M. If You Made a Million HG179.S335 1989
Viorst, Judith. Alexander, Who Used to be Rich Last Saturday
PZ7.V816Am-2nd Floor Curriculum Center

Personal Finance

Eisenburg, Lee. The Number: A Completely Different Way to Think About the Rest of Your Life HG179.E387 2006

Dominguez, Joe & Robin, Vicki. Your Money or Your Life HG179.D624 1999

New Strategist Publications. Household Spending: Who Spends How Much on What Ref.HC110.C6 H68 2006
Switzer, Janet. Instant Income HF5437.25 2007 (Leisure Reading)


Barry, Dave. Dave Barry’s Money Secrets: Like, Why is There a Giant Eyeball on the Dollar?
PN6231.F47 B37 2006 (Leisure Reading)


Shapiro, Thomas M. & Wolff, Edward N. Assets for the Poor: The Benefits of Spreading Asset Ownership HC 110.P6 A85 2005

Smith, Phil & Thurman, Eric. A Billion Bootstraps: Microcredit, Barefoot Banking, and the Business Solution for Ending Poverty HG178.3 .S65 2007

Special Topics

Frank, Ellen. The Raw Deal: How Myths and Misinformation About the Deficit, Inflation, and Wealth Impoverish America HG540.F73 2004
**Photo by, Thomas Hawk,
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