Friday, May 18, 2007

New Year's Resolutions 2003

Friday, May 18, 2007
If your desire is to read more this year, the following bibliography, a mix of books from faculty, staff, students and Internet reading groups, will give you a good start!


Atwood, Margaret. Cats Eye. PR9199.3.A8 C38 1989.
A book about friendships among women.

Buechner, Frederick. The Storm. PS3552.U35 S76 1998.
“Set on wealthy Plantation Island in South Florida, The Storm is the story of a family and the interconnections that tie their past to the present.”

Coetzee, Jim. Disgrace. PR9369.3.C58 D5 2000.
“A heartbreak­ing novel about a man and his daughter, Disgrace is a portrait of the new South Africa that is ultimately about grace and love.”

Cunningham, Michael. The Hours. PS3553.U484 H68 1998.
The Hours intertwines the lives of three women around the party one of them is planning for a friend.

Lowry, Lois. The Giver. PZ7.L9673 Gi 1993.
How does one live in a perfect world?

Martz, Sandra. When I am an Old Woman I shall Wear Purple. PS509.W6 W47 1991.
An anthology on the topic of aging and women told with insight and much humor.

Munro, Alice. The Love of a Good Woman. PR9199.3.M8 L68 1998.
“In these eight stories, a master of the form extends and magni­fies her great themes — the vagaries of love, the passion that leads down unexpected paths, the chaos hovering just under the surface of things, and the strange, often comical desires of the human heart.”

Oke, Janette. A Quiet Strength. PR9199.3.O38 Q54 1999.

Oke, Janette. A Searching Heart. PR9199.3.O38 S43 1998.

Orcutt, Jane. The Living Stone. PS3568.R37 L58 2000.

Price, Reynolds. A Whole new life. PS3566.R542 A477 1994.
“A Whole New Life is an extraordinary chronicle of illness and transformation, an eloquent and moving account of the author’s long struggle to withstand and recover from severe cancer of the spine.”

Power, Susan. Grass Dancer. PS3566.O83578 G73 1995.
A story about the Sioux in North Dakota.

Rivers, Francine. As sure as the Dawn. PS3569.I83165 A9 1995.

Rivers, Francine. An Echo in the Darkness. PS3568.I83165 E24 1994.

Rivers, Francine. A Voice in the Wind. PS3568.I83165 V65 1993.

Tan, Amy. The Joy Luck Club. PS3570.A48 J6 1990.
The story of Chinese women in America who relate their secrets through their club.

Non Fiction:

Bernall, Misty. She Said Yes. HV6250.4.S78 B47 1999.
The Columbine High School martyr.

Chaleff, Ira. The Courageous Follower. HM131.C65 1998.
The ability to follow a leader is as important as the ability to lead.

Fadiman, Anne. The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down. RA518.5.T73 F33 1997.

Kozol, Jonathan. Amazing Grace: The lives of Children and the Conscience of a Nation. HV875.57.N47 K69.

Lott, Deborah A. In Session: The Bond Between Women and Their Therapists. RC480.8.L68 1999.

McBride, James. Color of Water: A Black Man’s Tribute to His White Mother. F130.N4 M38 1996.

McCourt, Frank. Angela’s Ashes. E184.I6 M117 1999.

Ridley, Matt. Genome: The Autobiography of a Species in 23 chapters. QH431.R475 1999
Anyone interested in health and medicine should read this!

Norris, Kathleen. A Cloister Walk. BX2435.N57 1996.

Nuland, Sherwin B. How We die: Reflections on Life’s Final Chapter. BD444.N85 1994


Dillard, Annie. An American Childhood. PS3554.I398 Z464 1987.

Frank, Anne. Diary of a Young Girl. DS135.N6 F73313 1995.

MacDonald, Michael P. All Souls: A family Story from Southie. F73.68.S7 M33 1999.
How one family’s life chronicles the violent issues of the late 20th century.

Williams, Donna. Nobody Nowhere. RC553 A88 W55 1992.
The autobiography of an autistic person.

Websites for good reading suggestions:

Monday, May 14, 2007

College Stories and More

Monday, May 14, 2007
Attending College is an experience which has proven a fertile field for novelists and other writers for decades.

Great novelists, such as F. Scott Fitzgerald, have viewed this as a rite of passage. Others have focused on the faculty and the institution, often with satiric effect.

Nonfiction writers have also attempted to help students cope with the challenges facing them.
We hope you find something of interest as you peruse this list.

*Indicates a book not in the ORA Collection.

Bellow, Saul. Ravelstein. PS3503.E4488 R38 2000
Abe Ravelstein, a professor in a Midwestern university, writes a book and as a result becomes a millionaire.

Bellow, Saul. Herzog. PS3503.E4488

Bellow, Saul. The Dean’s December. PS3503.E4488 D4 1982

Benard, Robert. All problems are simple and other stories: nineteen views of the college years. PS648.C64 1988
19 short stories by writers such as Stephen King, Alice Walker, F. Scott Fitzgerald, and John Updike.

Cadigan, Robert J. Stories of School and College Life; September to June. PZ1.C117 Se
23 short stories about students in high school and college.

Cather, Willa. The Professor’s House. PS3505.A87 A6 1990

DeLillo, Don. White Noise. PS3554.E4425 W48 1986
Jack Glading is the Teacher of Hitler Studies at a liberal arts college in middle America.

Firzgerald, F. Scott. This Side of Paradise. PS3511.I9 T5
The story of Amory Blaine during his college years. Fitzgerald’s first major work.

* Hassler, Jon. The Dean’s List.
The academic life starring professor Leland Edwards, a man in his fifties, who lives with his mother.

McCarthy, Mary. The Groves of Academe. PS3525.A1435 G77
A satire about the dismissal of a professor at a small experimental college and his efforts to keep his job.

Nelson, Shirley. The Last Year of the War. PS3564.E476 L27
Set in a fundamentalist Bible College in the Midwest, this story covers the first year of a young convert at the institution.

Oates, Joyce Carol. Unholy Loves. PS3565.A8 U6

Russo ,Richard. Straight Man. PS3568.O812 S77 1997
A Comedy on university downsizing.

Sire, James W. Chris Chrisman Goes to College. PS3569.I65 O47 1993
Sire explores the issues Christians face at secular colleges and universities.

Smiley, Jane. Moo. PS3569.M39
“A satire on university life, describing the rackets and the intellectual dishonesty that goes on.”

Webster, Jean. Daddy-Long-Legs. PS3543.E365 D3
The oldest and cutest of a group of rebellious orphans, Judy Abbott is provided funds for her education and well-being by a mysterious benefactor whom she christens “Daddy-Long-Legs."

Non Fiction

Anderson, K. What they don’t always teach you at a Christian College. BV4531.2.A4 1995 Explores the issues a college student thought about in the 1990’s. Are they still current?

Boyer, Ernest. College: the undergraduate experience in America. LA227.3.B678 1987

Garber, Steven. The fabric of faithfulness. BV4531.2.G37 1998
Garber instructs students how to connect what they believe with how they live.

Hughes, Richard. How Christian faith can sustain the life of the mind. LC383.H84 2001 Discusses the relationship of the Christian life to the colleg experience.

Kreeft, Peter. The Best Things of Life. BJ1661.K68 1984
Pretend Socrates is alive and asking questions about college education and student life, values, passion, and pleasure.

Neusner, J. How to grade your professors, and other unexpected advice. LA227.3.N38 1984
Essays and advice about success in college.


Colleges have also proven a good backdrop for mystery writers. Since most of these are not in the college collection, you might want to investigate them at your local public library.

Cross, Amanda
Hall, Patricia
McInerny, Ralph
Parker, Robert B.

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Holiday Reading Christmas 2002

Wednesday, May 9, 2007
Whether it’s an old favorite or a new discovery, books and Christmas are intertwined. Each book is like a little present from an author to you which you can open and enjoy.


Auld, William. Christmas Traditions. GT4985.A8 1968.

Brady, Agnes Marie. Christmastide. GT4985.B67.

Gardner, Horace John. Let’s Celebrate Christmas. GT4985.G3.

Kidger, Mark. The Star of Bethlehem. QB806.K525 1999.

Krueger, Caryl Waller. 101 Ideas for the Best Ever Christmas GT4985.K64 1992.

Krythe, Mayme Richardson. All About Christmas. GT4985.K68.

McKissack, Patricia. Christmas in the Big House, Christmas in the Quarters. F213.M36 1994.

Restad, Penne L. Christmas in America: a History. GT4986.A1 R47 1995.

Watts, Franklin. The Complete Christmas Book. GR4985.W413.


Ehret, Walter, et al. The International Book of Christmas Carols. M2065.E4 I6.

Keyte, Hugh. The New Oxford Book of Carols. M2065.N48 1998.

Robbins, Russell Hope. Ed. Early English Christmas Carols. M2085.R538 E2.

Wheeler, Opal. Sing for Christmas. M2065.W49 S5.

Fiction: Collected Stories

Crawford, E. A. A Christmas Sampler: Classic stories of the Season from Twain to Cheever. PS648.C45 C457 1992.

Hadfield, John. Ed. The Christmas Companion. PN6071.C6 H3.

Irving, Washington. The Old English Christmas. PS2069.C4.

Posselt, Eric, ed. A Merry, Merry Christmas Book. PN6071.C6 P49.

Posselt, Eric, ed. The World’s greatest Christmas Stories. PN6071.C6 P6 1950.

Schauffler, Robert. Christmas. PN6071.C6 S3.
Includes many of the traditional poems and stories of the Season.

Wagenknecht, Edward. A Fireside Book of Christmas Stories. PN6071.C6 W2.

Wagenknecht, Edward, ed. The Fireside Book of Yuletide Tales. PN6071.C6 W22.

Fiction: Single stories

Bennett, Arnold. The Feast of St. Friend. PR6003.E6 F4.

Dickens, Charles. A Christmas Carol PR4572.C5.

Fabry, Chris. Away with the Manger. PS3556.A26 A9 1996.

Gunnarsson, Gunnar. The Good Shepherd. PT8176.G9 A4.

Van Dyke, Henry. “Even Unto Bethlehem.”PS3117.E8 1928.


The Chrysostom Society. Stories for the Christian Year PS638.C43S74 1992.

Children’s Stories

Bailey, Temple. The Crystal Bowl. PS3503.A514 C79.

Briggs, Raymond. Father Christmas. PZ7.B7646 Fa T3.

Burch, Robert. Renfro’s Christmas. PZ7.B91585 Re.

Ets, Marie Hall. Nine Days to Christmas Oversize PZ7.E855 Ni.

Hamilton, Virginia. The Bells of Christmas. PZ7.H1828 Be 1989.

Houston, Gloria. The Year of the Perfect Christmas Tree. PZ7.H8184 Ye 1988.

Howard, Elizabeth F. Chita’s Christmas Tree. PZ7.H83273 Ch 1989.

Moeri, Louise. Star Mother’s Youngest Child. PZ7.M7214 St.

Nash, Ogden. The Christmas that Almost Wasn’t PZ8.3.N3 Ch.

Robbins, Ruth. Baboushka and the Three Kings. PZ8.1.R5 Bab.

Say, Allen. Tree of Cranes. Oversize PZ7.S2744 T4 1991.

Seuss, Dr. How the Grinch Stole Christmas. PZ8.3.G325 Ho.

Soto, Gary. Too Many Tamales. Oversize PZ7.S7424.

Stevenson, James. The Night after Christmas. PZ8.9.S773 Ni.

Tolkien, J. R.R. The Father Christmas Letters. PZ7. T6 Fa.

Van Allsburg, Chris. The Polar Express. Oversize. PZ7. V266 Po 1985.

Wojchiechowski, Susan. The Christmas Miracle of Jonathan Toomey. PZ7.W8183 Ch 1995.

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

They Might be Giants 2001

Tuesday, May 8, 2007
Whether told in fiction, play, or non-fiction, other people’s lives can encourage, inspire, and instruct us.

The person for whom the biography was written is listed first in Bold face followed by the citation.

Bray, Rosemary. Unafraid of the Dark. : a Memoir F548.9.N4 B73 1998.

Cather, Willa. Stout, Janis P. Willa Cather : The Writer and Her World PS3505.A87 Z863 2000.

Chesterton, G. K. Dale, Alzina . The Outline of Sanity. PR4453.C4 Z588 1982.

Curie, Marie. Curie, Eve. Madame Curie: A Biography. QD22.C8 C85 1937.

Dix, Dorothea. Brown, Thomas J. Dorothea Dix: New England Reformer. HV28.D6 B75 1998.

Eastman, George. Brayer, Elizabeth. George Eastman: a Biography. TR140.E3 B73 1996.

Elizabeth I. Weir, Alison. The Life of Elizabeth I. DA355.W36 1998.

Evers, Charles. Have No Fear. E195.97.E93 A3 1993.

Fisher, Welthy Honsinga. To Light a Candle. BV3705.F5 A3.

King jr., Martin Luther. Dyson, Michael. I May Not Get There With You E185.97.K5 D97 2000.

Lewis. C. S. Griffin, William. Clive Staples Lewis: A Dramatic life. PR6023.E926 Z666 1986.

Lincoln, Mary Todd. Graff., Polly Ann. Mr. Lincoln’s Wife. PZ7.G75484 Mi.

Polacheck, Hilda Satt. Epstein, Dena J. I Came a stranger. F548.9.J5 P65 1989.

Roosevelt, Eleanor. Autobiography. E807.1.R35.

Roosevelt, Franklin Delano. Adamic, Louis. Dinner at the White House E807.A7.

Stanton, Elizabeh Cady. Ward, Geoffrey C. Not for Ourselves Alone. HQ1412.W36 1999.

Collected Biographies:

Calvert. Great Lives of the American Frontier. F 5905.C35 1997.

Rowse, A. L. The Churchills: the Story of a Family. DA28.35.C45 F96 1966.

Tucker, Ruth A. From Jerusalem to Irian Jaya: A Biographical History of Christian Missionaries BV3700.T83 1983.

Resolved: Read a Good Book January 2002

Long before Oprah Winfrey started promoting books, writers and illustrators were receiving acknowledgement from peers and other groups. Here are some you may not know about.

Kate Greenaway Medal
(Honors a children’s illustrator)

Hest, Amy. When Jessie Came Across the Sea. PZ.H4375Wf 1997 (1997 medal)

Ardizzone, Edward. Tim All Alone. PZ7.A682Tc (1956 medal)

Golden Kite Award
(Presented by fellow authors and artists)

Hopkinson, Deborah. A Band of Angels. PZ7.H779125Br1999

Fleischman, Paul. The Borning Room. PZ7.F599233bo1991

Hyman, T. Little Red Ridding Hood. PZ8.H994Li 1983

Lowry, Lois. Rabble Starkey. PZ7.L9673 Rab 1988

Willard, Nancy. A Visit to William Blake’s Inn. PS3573.I444 V5

Wolf, Virginia Euwer. Make Lemonade. PZ7.W82129mak 1993

Jane Addams Book Award
(Significant work to promote the cause of peace, social justice, and world understanding)

Underwood, Betty. The Tamarack Tree. PZ3.B7545Tam (1972)

Bridges, Ruby. Through My Eyes. F379.N59 N435 1999 (2000 award)
Erdrich, L. The Birchbark House. PZ7.E72554Bi 1999

Hopkinson, D. A Band of Angels. PZ7.H78125Br 1999

Notable Books / Booklist /RUSA chosen by Librarians
Almond, D. Skellig. PZ7.A448sk 1999
Anderson, F. Crucible of War. E199.A58 2000

Armstrong, K. The Battle for God. BL238.A16 2000
Berlin, I. The Roots of Romanticism. NX5623.6.R64 B47 1999
Berlinski, D. The advent of the Algorithm. QA9.58.G47 2000

Berry, W. Jayber Crow. PS3562.E75 J39 2000
Busch, F. Don’t Tell Anyone. PS3552.U814 D66 2000
Carter, S. God’s Name In Vain. BL65.P7 C37 2000
Chabon, M. The amazing adventures of Kavalier and Clay. PS3553.H15 A82 2000
Coetzee. Disgrace. PR93693.C68 D5 2000
Crace, J. Being Dead. PR6053.R228 B45 2001

Cunningham, M. The Hours. PS3553.U484.H68 1998

Damasio, A. Feeling of What Happens. BF311.D33 1999

Drury, J. Painting the Word. ND1432.E85 D79 1999

Gass, W. Reading Rilke. PT2635.I65Z72 1999

Hirsch, Edward. How to read a poem and fall in love with poetry. PN1042.H48 1999

King, T. Truth & Bright Water. PR9199.3.K4422 T78 1999

Kozol, J. Ordinary Resurrections. HQ792.U5 K69 2000

Lewis. The New New Thing: A Silicon Valley Story. HD969663.U62 C585 2000

Melnick, J. A Right To Sing the Blues. ML3477.M45 1999

Nelson, A. Living to Tell. PS3564.E428 L58 2000

Booker Prize
(Top fiction award from Great Britain)

Atwood, M. Blind Assassin. PR9199.3.A8 B55 2000

Whitbread Book of the Year
(Top award by a British publisher)

Kneale, M. English Passengers. PR6061.N37 E54 2000

Smith, Z. White Teeth. PR6069.M59 W47 2000

National Book Award
(Presented by the National Book Foundation)

Jin, Ha. Waiting. PS3560.I6 W34 1999

Sontag, S. In America: a novel. PS3504.O6457 F2000

Hugo/ Nebula Awards
(Top prizes for best science fiction)

McIntyre, V. Dreamsnake. PS3573.A3125 D74

Willis, C. Doomsday Book. PS3573.I45652 D66 1993

Wolfe, G. The Claw of the Conciliator. PS3573.O52 C57 1982

Holiday Readings December 2001

Whether it’s an old favorite or a new discovery, books and Christmas are intertwined. Each book is like a little present of an author to you which you can open and enjoy. Here are a few factual books and some collections of stories for just that purpose.


Auld, William. Christmas Traditions. GT4985.A8 1968.

Brady, Agnes Marie. Christmas tide. GT4985.B67.

Gardner, Horace John. Let’s Celebrate Christmas. GT4985.G3.

Krueger, Caryl Waller. 101 Ideas for the Best Ever Christmas GT4985.K64 1992.

Krythe, Mayme Richardson. All About Christmas. GT4985.K68.

Restad, Penne L. Christmas in America: a History. GT4986.A1 R47 1995.

Watts, Franklin. The Complete Christmas Book. GR4985.W413.


Ehret, Walter, et al. The International Book of Christmas Carols. M2065.E4 I6.

Keyte, Hugh. The New Oxford Book of Carols. M2065.N48 1998.

Fiction—Collected Stories

A Christmas Anthology: Carols and Poems Old and New. PN6110.C5 C4.

Crawford, E. A. A Christmas Sampler: Classic stories of the Season from Twain to Cheever. PS648.C45 C457 1992.

Irving, Washington. The Old English Christmas. PS2069.C4.

Posselt, Eric, ed. A Merry, Merry Christ mas Book. PN6071.C6 P49.

Posselt, Eric, ed. The World’s greatest Christmas Stories. PN6071.C6 P6 1950.

Schauffler, Robert. Christmas. PN6071.C6 S3.

Wagenknecht, Edward. A Fireside Book of Christmas Stories. PN6071.C6 W2.

Wagenknecht, Edward, ed. The Fireside Book of Yuletide Tales. PN6071.C6 W22.

Fiction: Single stories

Bennett, Arnold. The Feast of St. Friend. PR6003.E6 F4.

Dickens, Charles. A Christmas Carol: the Original Manuscript. PR4572.C5 1971.

Fabry, Chris. Away with the Manger. PS3556.A26 A9 1996.

Gunnarsson, Gunnar. The Good Shep herd. PT8176.G9 A4.

Van Dyke, Henry. “Even Unto Bethle- hem.”PS3117.E8 1928.

Children’s Stories

Ets, Marie Hall. Nine Days to Christmas PZ7.E855 Ni.

Hamilton, Virginia. The Bells of Christ mas. PZ7.H1828 Be 1989.

Houston, Gloria. The Year of the Perfect Christmas Tree. PZ7.H8184 Ye 1988.

Howard, Elizabeth F. Chita’s Christmas Tree. PZ7.H83273 Ch 1989.

Moeri, Louise. Star Mother’s Youngest Child. PZ7.M7214 St.

Robbins, Ruth. Baboushka and the Three Kings. PZ8.1.R5 Bab.

Say, Allen. Tree of Cranes. Oversize PZ7. S2744 T4 1991.

Soto, Gary. Too Many Tamales. Oversize PZ7.S7424 To 1991.

Tolkien, J. R.R. The Father Christmas Letters. PZ7.T6 Fa.

Van Allsburg, Chris. The Polar Express. Oversize. PZ7.V266 Po 1985.

Wojchiechowski, Susan. The Christmas Miracle of Jonathan Toomey. PZ7.W8183 Ch 1995.

Tuesday, May 1, 2007


Tuesday, May 1, 2007
From 2001
Long before Oprah Winfrey started promoting books, writers and illustrators were receiving acknowledgement from peers and other groups. Here are some you may not know about.

Kate Greenaway Medal
(Honors a children’s illustrator)
Hest, Amy. When Jessie Came Across the Sea PZ.H4375Wf 1997. (1997 medal)
Ardizzone, Edward. Tim All Alone PZ7.A682tc (1956 medal)

Golden Kite Award
(Presented by fellow authors and artists)
Hopkinson, Deborah A Band of Angels PZ7.H779125Br1999
Fleischman, Paul. The Borning Room. PZ7.F599233bo1991
Hyman, T. Little Red Ridding Hood. PZ8.H994Li 1983.
Lowry, Lois Rabble Starkey PZ7.L9673 Rab 1988
Willard, Nancy A Visit to William Blake’s Inn PS3573.I444 V5
Wolf, Virginia Euwer Make Lemonade PZ7.W82129mak 1993

Jane Addams Book Award— Significant work to promote the cause of peace, social justice, and world understanding
Underwood, Betty The Tamarack Tree PZ3.B7545tam (1972)

Bridges, Ruby. Through My Eyes F379.N59 N435 1999. (2000 award)
Erdrich,L The Birchbark House PZ7.E72554Bi 1999
Hopkinson,D. A Band of Angels. PZ7.H78125Br 1999

Notable Books / Booklist /RUSA chosen by Librarians
Almond, S. Skellig PZ7.A448sk 1999
Anderson,F. Crucible of War E199.A58 2000
Armstrong, K. The Battle for God BL238.A16 2000
Berlin, I. The Roots of Romanticism. NX5623.6.R64 B47 1999
Berlinski,D The advent of the Algorithm QA9.58.G47 2000
Berry,W. Jayber Crow. PS3562.E75 J39 2000.
Busch, F. Don’t Tell Anyone PS3552.U814 D66 2000
Carter, S. God’s Name In Vain. BL65.P7 C37 2000
Chabon, M. The amazing adventures of Kavalier and Clay. PS3553.H15 A82 2000
Coetzee. Disgrace PR93693.C68 D5 2000
Crace, J. Being Dead PR6053.R228 B45 2001
Cunningham, M. The Hours PS3553.U484.H68 1998

Damasio,A. Feeling of What Happens BF311.D33 1999
Drury,J. Painting the Word ND1432.E85 D79 1999
Gass. W. Reading Rilke PT2635.I65Z72 1999
Hirsch, Edward. How to read a poem and fall in love with poetry PN1042.H48 1999
King, T. Truth & Bright Water PR9199.3.K4422 T78 1999
Kozol, J. Ordinary Resurrections. HQ792.U5 K69 2000
Lewis. The New Thing: A Silicon Valley Story. HD969663.U62 C585 2000
Melnick, J. A Right To Sing the Blues. ML3477.M45 1999.
Nelson, A. Living to Tell PS3564.E428 L58 2000
Nuland, S. The Mysteries Within: a Surgeon Reflects on Medical Myths R133.N77 2000
Nasdijj The Blood Runs Like a River Through My Dreams E99.N3N26 2000
Ricley, M. Genome: the Autobiography of a Species in 23 chapters QH431.R475 1999
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