Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Women's History Month March 2011

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Benowitz, June Melby. Encyclopedia of American Women and Religion. Ref BL2525.B45 1998

This work is one of many reference works featuring short biographies of women in history.

Non Fiction

Conway, J. Written by Herself: Autobiographies of American Women, 1992. PS647.W6 W75 1992

Flinders, Carol. Enduring Grace: Living Portraits of Seven Women Mystics. 1993. BV5095.A1 F57 1993

Goodall, Jane. 40 Years at Gombe, 1999. QL31.G58 L56 1999

Grammer, E. Some Wild Visions: Autobiographies by Female Itinerant Evangelists in the 19th Century America, 2003. BV3780.G73 2003

Johnson, Greg. Invisible Writer: A Biography of Joyce Carol Oates. 1998. PS3565.A8 Z685 1998

Margolis, J, and A. Fisher. Unlocking the Clubhouse: Women in Computing, 2002. QA76.25 .M35 2002

Stanley, A. Mothers and Daughters of Invention: Notes for a Revised History of Technology, 1995. T36.S73 1995

Wigle, Shari Lynn. Pride of America, We're with You: The Letters of Grace Anderson, U.S.Army Nurse Corps, World War I. 2007. D639.W7 W5 2007

Wilson, Dorothy. Lone Woman: The Story of Elizabeth Blackwell, the First Woman Doctor. R154.B623 W5

Winship, M. The Times and Trials of Anne Hutchinson, 2005. BX7148.M4 W55 2005


Berry, Wendell. Hannah Coulter, 2004. PS3552.E75 H36 2004

Bloom, Amy. Away: A Novel, 1998. PS3552.L6378 A95 H68 1998

Cunningham, Michael. The Hours. PS3553.U484

Shields, Carol. The Stone Diaries, 1994. PR9199.3.S514 S76 1994


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