Monday, February 20, 2012

Christian Contemporary Fiction

Monday, February 20, 2012
Here is the second installment of Christian Fiction, the more popular contemporary fiction

This group differs from historical fiction in that the plot does not revolve or involve an historical event. Even so, the past often figures greatly in the resolution of the problems.

Gutteridge, Rene. Scoop: A novel PS3557.U887 S35 2006
A young reporter wrestles with her faith and her profession.

Hall, Linda. Katheryn’s Secret: A novel. PS3558.A3698 K38 2000

A tale of murder and intrigue set the stage here.

Hall, Linda. Margaret’s Peace: A novel PS3558.A3698 M37 1998

Set in Main, Margaret works to discover secrets in her family

Karon, Jan. A Light in the Window. PS3561.A678 L54 1996

The second book in the Mitford Chronicles.

Karon, Jan In This Mountain PS3561.A678 I5 2002

The seventh book of the Mitford Chronicles.

Schaap, James Calvin. The Secrets of Barneveld Calvary: A work of fiction
PS3569.C33 S43 1997

The struggles of a pastor and his church

Tatlock, Ann. A Place Called Morning: A novel PS3570.A85 P58 1998

All it takes is one day for a life to be changed forever.

Tatlock, Ann. Things we once held dear: A novel PS3570.A85 T48 2006

A young couple wrestle with family secrets.


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