Wednesday, November 4, 2009

September 11, 2009

Wednesday, November 4, 2009
September 11, 2001

September 11 books added to the Golisano Collection since 2006.

Beamer, L. Let’s Roll! HV6430.B43 A3 2002

Bouman, S.P. Grace all around us: Embracing God’s promise in tragedy and loss BT736.15.B68 2007

Farber, D. What they think of us: International perceptions of the United States since 9/11 E902.W475 2007

Forever After: New York City Teachers on 9/11 HV6432.7.F667 2006

Gentile, E. God’s Democracy. American religion after September 11
BL2525.G47 2008

Griffin, D. Christian faith and the truth behind 9/11: a Call to reflection
and action. HV6432.7.G746 2006

Hauerwas, S. and Lentricchia, F. (Eds.) Dissent from the homeland: Essays
after September 11 E903.D47 2003

Mayer, J. Dark Side: The Inside story of how the war on terror turned into a war
on American ideals HV6432.M383

Who they were: Inside the World Trade Center DNA story: The unprecedented effort
to identify the missing RA1057.55.S53 2005

Wright, L. The Looming tower: Al-Qaeda and the road to 9/11 HV6432.7.W75 2008

Foer, J. Extremely Loud and Incredibly close PS3608.E97 2005

Kalfus, K. A Disorder peculiar to the country:PS3561.A416524 D57 2006


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