Monday, May 14, 2007

College Stories and More

Monday, May 14, 2007
Attending College is an experience which has proven a fertile field for novelists and other writers for decades.

Great novelists, such as F. Scott Fitzgerald, have viewed this as a rite of passage. Others have focused on the faculty and the institution, often with satiric effect.

Nonfiction writers have also attempted to help students cope with the challenges facing them.
We hope you find something of interest as you peruse this list.

*Indicates a book not in the ORA Collection.

Bellow, Saul. Ravelstein. PS3503.E4488 R38 2000
Abe Ravelstein, a professor in a Midwestern university, writes a book and as a result becomes a millionaire.

Bellow, Saul. Herzog. PS3503.E4488

Bellow, Saul. The Dean’s December. PS3503.E4488 D4 1982

Benard, Robert. All problems are simple and other stories: nineteen views of the college years. PS648.C64 1988
19 short stories by writers such as Stephen King, Alice Walker, F. Scott Fitzgerald, and John Updike.

Cadigan, Robert J. Stories of School and College Life; September to June. PZ1.C117 Se
23 short stories about students in high school and college.

Cather, Willa. The Professor’s House. PS3505.A87 A6 1990

DeLillo, Don. White Noise. PS3554.E4425 W48 1986
Jack Glading is the Teacher of Hitler Studies at a liberal arts college in middle America.

Firzgerald, F. Scott. This Side of Paradise. PS3511.I9 T5
The story of Amory Blaine during his college years. Fitzgerald’s first major work.

* Hassler, Jon. The Dean’s List.
The academic life starring professor Leland Edwards, a man in his fifties, who lives with his mother.

McCarthy, Mary. The Groves of Academe. PS3525.A1435 G77
A satire about the dismissal of a professor at a small experimental college and his efforts to keep his job.

Nelson, Shirley. The Last Year of the War. PS3564.E476 L27
Set in a fundamentalist Bible College in the Midwest, this story covers the first year of a young convert at the institution.

Oates, Joyce Carol. Unholy Loves. PS3565.A8 U6

Russo ,Richard. Straight Man. PS3568.O812 S77 1997
A Comedy on university downsizing.

Sire, James W. Chris Chrisman Goes to College. PS3569.I65 O47 1993
Sire explores the issues Christians face at secular colleges and universities.

Smiley, Jane. Moo. PS3569.M39
“A satire on university life, describing the rackets and the intellectual dishonesty that goes on.”

Webster, Jean. Daddy-Long-Legs. PS3543.E365 D3
The oldest and cutest of a group of rebellious orphans, Judy Abbott is provided funds for her education and well-being by a mysterious benefactor whom she christens “Daddy-Long-Legs."

Non Fiction

Anderson, K. What they don’t always teach you at a Christian College. BV4531.2.A4 1995 Explores the issues a college student thought about in the 1990’s. Are they still current?

Boyer, Ernest. College: the undergraduate experience in America. LA227.3.B678 1987

Garber, Steven. The fabric of faithfulness. BV4531.2.G37 1998
Garber instructs students how to connect what they believe with how they live.

Hughes, Richard. How Christian faith can sustain the life of the mind. LC383.H84 2001 Discusses the relationship of the Christian life to the colleg experience.

Kreeft, Peter. The Best Things of Life. BJ1661.K68 1984
Pretend Socrates is alive and asking questions about college education and student life, values, passion, and pleasure.

Neusner, J. How to grade your professors, and other unexpected advice. LA227.3.N38 1984
Essays and advice about success in college.


Colleges have also proven a good backdrop for mystery writers. Since most of these are not in the college collection, you might want to investigate them at your local public library.

Cross, Amanda
Hall, Patricia
McInerny, Ralph
Parker, Robert B.


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