Thursday, August 16, 2007

We Remember: September 11, 2001

Thursday, August 16, 2007
We Remember

One nation: America Remembers
September 11, 2001 HV6432.O43 2001

September 11, 2001: A collection of newspaper front pages selected by the Poynter Institute. HV6432.S459 2001

We take action

The 9/11 Commission Report
HV6432.7.N39 2004b

Griffin, Michael. Reaping the whirl
wind: The Taliban Movement in
Afghanistan. DS371l.2.G74 2000

Rashid, Ahmed. Taliban. DS371.2. R367 2001

We ask why?

Alexander, Yohan. Usama bin Laden’s
al-Aqida: a profile of a terrorist
network. HV6431.A43 2001

The Attack on America: September 11,
2001 HV6432.T474 2002

Bergen, Peter. Holy War, Inc.: inside
the secret world of Osama bin Ladin.
HV6430.B55 B47 2001

Bernstein, R. Out of the Blue
HV6432.B47 2002

Bodansky. Yossef. Bin Laden: the man
who declared war on America
HV6430.B55 B65 1999.

Calhoun, C. Understanding September
11 HV6432.U5 2002

Halliday, F. Two Hours that shook the
World HV6432.H35 2002

Hersbherg, E. Critical Views of
September 11 HV6432.C75 2002

Hoge, J. How Did This Happen?
HV6432.H69 2001


Lake, Anthony. 6 nightmares. HV6432. L34 2001

Lincoln, B. Holy terrors: Thinking
about religion after September 11
BL65.T47 L56 2003

Martin, John M. & Romano, Anne T. Multinational Crime: Terrorism, espionage, drug & arms trafficking
HV6252.M37 1992

Miller, J. The Cell
HV6432.M54 2002

Pyszczynski, T. In the Wake of 9/11
HV6432.P97 2003

Randal, J. Osama
HV430.B55 R36 2004

Schweitzer. Glenn E. Superterrorism
HV6431.S375 1998

Simon, Jeffrey D. The terrorist trap. 2nd ed. HV6432 .S55 2001

Stern, Jessica. The Ultimate
terrorists. HV6431.S74 1999
Talbott, S. The Age of Terror HV6432.A43 2001

We struggle to heal

Barbash, T. On Top of the World
HG4928.5.L885 2003

Langford, J. Walking with God in a
Fragile World BL66.T47 W35 2003

Norbert, T. Ashes Transformed:
Healing from Trauma
BV227.N665 2002

We Tell the Children

Kalman, M. Fireboat: The heroic Adventurs of John J. Harvey TH9391.K35 2002

Goodman, R. The Day Our World Changed: Children’s Art of 9/11 HV6432.7.G66 2002


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