Thursday, November 15, 2007

New York, New York

Thursday, November 15, 2007
These are stories or writings about New York or by authors who have lived or are living in New York (Many in the Rochester Area) or both.

Abbott, George. Mr. Abbott
PN2287.A23 A3

Carmer, Carl. Dark Trees in the
Wind F119.C27

Carmer, Carl. The Susquehanna
F157.S8 C3

Douglass, Frederick. My Bondage
and My Freedom
E449.D738 1968

Gordon, Ann D. The Selected
papers of Elizabeth Cady
Stanton & Susan B. Anthony
HQ1410.A2525 1997

Jacobs, Harriet A. Incidents in the
life of a Slave Girl E444.J17 A3

Partridge, Bellamy. Country
Lawyer. KF368.P3 P3

Matthiessen, Peter. The Birds of Heaven
QL696.G84 M372 2001

Adams, Samuel H. Grand-father Stories
PS3501.D317 G7

Carr, Caleb. The Alienist PZ3553.A76277
A44 1995

Chabon, Michael. The Amazing
Adventures of Kavalier & Clay
PS3553.H15 A82 2000

Gardner, John. Grendel PS3557.A712 G7

Gardner, John. Nickel Mountain
PS3557.A712 N5

Gardner, John. October Light PS3557.A712 O3

Howells, William Dean A Hazard of New
Fortunes PS2025.H3

Howells, William Dean. The Rise of Silas
Lapham PS2027.R5 1957

Jackson, Charles. The Lost Weekend
PS3519.A323 L6 1983

Rawlings, Marjorie Kinnan. The
Sojourner PS3535.A845 S6

Safran Foer, Jonathan. Extremely
Loud & Incredibly Close
PS3606.O38 E97 2005

Swados, Elizabeth, Flamboyant
PS3569.W17 f57 1999

Wharton, Edith. The Age of I
PS3545.H16 A7 1987

Wharton, Edith. The Buccaneers
PA3545.H16 b83 1993

Ashbery, John. The Tennis Court
Oath PS3501.S475 T4

Children & Young Adult

Barron, T. A. High as a Hawk
PZ7.B27567.St 2004

Donnelly, Jennifer. A Northern
Light. PZ7.D7194 No 2003

Giff, Patricia Reilly. Pictures
of Hollis Woods
PZ7.G3626 PK 2002

Karr, Kathleen. The Boxer.
PZ7.K149 B0 2000

Lipsyte, Robert. The Brave.
PZ7.L67 Br 1993

Myers, Walter Dean. Fast Sam,
Cool Clyde, and Stuff
PZ7.M992 Fas 1988

Park, Linda Sue The Kite Fighters
PZ7.P22115 Ki 2000

Park, Linda Sue A Single Shard
PZ7.P22115 Si 2001

Sendak, Maurice. In the Night
Kitchen PZ7.S47 In

Taylor, Sydney. All-of-a-
Kind Family PZ7.T2184

Williams, Garcia. Every Time a Rainbow
Dies PZ7.W6713 Ev 2001

Woodson, Jacqueline. If You Come Softly
PZ7.W868 If 1998

For more information on New York
Authors visit the New York State Literary


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